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FitzSimons letter

This is an open letter to the Chair of the Australian Republican Movement.

The private version was posted to Chair Peter FitzSimons and a copy was posted to National Director Tim Mayfield on 25/2/16. They apparently never arrived. I sent them again on 11/4/16. I received no acknowledgement. This version is very slightly extended.

Part 1 states some bottom-line facts, namely that current models and the plebiscite can go nowhere.

Part 2 considers how we got into this muddle, specifically that the RAC report of 1993 was biased and has distorted understanding and debate to the present day, and that the ARM was, and remains, fatally unrepresentative.

Part 3 suggests a path toward a republic, namely:

  1. End the top-down manipulations and let the people discuss it;
  2. Conduct an internet-based, competitive Republic Model Search to identify models and to generate publicity;
  3. Postpone the republic itself until the problem of appointment of the GG is solved. I sketch a version of the Missouri Plan as a suggestion for appointment.

Popular Appointment would remove the obstacle to a republic without changing other power relationships, i.e., without giving power to politicians, without giving the GG authority to rule, and without affecting the prospects of any republic design.

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