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Merlin update to 2030

This is only for the original Merlin on the Sharp EL-512. The Merlin II on the Sharp PC-1248 requires no updating.

The original Merlin navigation computer, sold from 1984 to 1988, was a Sharp EL-512 calculator. It was (is) a tiny computer: just 128 steps. I programmed it with a sun almanac and an Aries almanac along with the sight reduction. To save space, instead of putting in the month and year, you have to store two special numbers: the YM number into memory (9) and the (8) number into memory (8). Click on the Word file at the bottom of this page for the numbers until the year 2030.

For stars you also need the coordinates of the star observed. They don't change much and I gave the coordinates for 59 stars in Annex B of the instruction manual every six months till the year 2000 - which seemed in those days to be in the distant future.

You could update the star coordinates of Annex B by extrapolating for the star required. Strictly speaking, it should be done on an annual basis, rather than six-monthly. For example if you require the SHA for July 2008 look back over three or four years' July figures for that star to see the annual change and project it forward. Easier would be to photocopy any near-current page from the current Nautical Almanac and convert the dec and SHA to decimal degrees with the DEG key when you enter them into the memories.

2020 Update: The declinations and SHAs for 2020 are listed below. I got them from "The Nautical Almanac." I will see if I can get some long-term numbers.

Year adjustment to perpetual sun almanac, Merlin manual p. 45

JF00 -10.0 JF04 -9.2 JF08 -8.4 JF12 -7.6 JF16 -6.8 JF20 -6.0
2000 +14.0 2004 +14.8 2008 +15.6 2012 +16.4 2016 +17.2 2020 +18.0
01 +8.2 05 +9.0 09 +9.8 13 +10.6 17 +11.4 21 +12.2
02 +2.4 06 +3.2 10 +4.0 14 +4.8 18 +5.6 22 +6.4
03 -3.4 07 -2.6 11 -1.8 15 -1.0 19 -0.2 23 +0.6

That perpetual almanac is actually a 1990 almanac and the year adjustment brings it up to date. Random checks in 2015 and 2020 show this adjustment still working: worst error found was 1'.8 and most were under 1'.

It is, of course, superfluous if you have the genuine Merlin sun program (i.e., program [2:]) in the Sharp EL-512.

Here are declinations and SHAs for 2020 in decimal degrees. I have taken these from The Nautical Almanacwhere ther almanac information may be found.

Decl Decl Decl


Jan 1 20 July 1 20 Jan 1 21

Jan 1 20 July 1 20 Jan 1 21
acamar -40.23 -40.222 -40.226
acamar 315.244 315.248 315.234
achernar -57.142 -57.13 -57.137
achernar 335.387 335.388 335.377
acrux -63.203 -63.215 -63.209
acrux 173.072 173.067 173.059
adhara -29 -29.001 -29.001
adhara 255.144 255.152 255.134
albireo 28.003 28.003 28.004
albireo 67.127 67.11 67.117
aldebaran 16.547 16.548 16.55
aldebaran 290.732 290.735 290.718
alioth 55.849 55.856 55.843
alioth 166.28 166.272 166.268
alkaid 49.212 49.218 49.206
alkaid 152.924 152.914 152.914
almak 42.426 42.422 42.431
almak 328.718 328.717 328.703
al nair -46.868 -46.859 -46.864
al nair 27.64 27.622 27.623
alnilam -1.192 -1.19 -1.19
alnilam 275.691 275.696 275.679
alphard -8.745 -8.747 -8.749
alphard 217.857 217.86 217.845
alphecca 26.648 26.65 26.644
alphecca 126.124 126.11 126.113
alpheratz 29.201 29.199 29.207
alpheratz 357.648 357.641 357.636
altair 8.922 8.923 8.924
altair 62.07 62.053 62.057
ankaa -42.204 -42.193 -42.198
ankaa 353.188 353.181 353.175
antares -26.473 -26.476 -26.475
antares 112.351 112.333 112.336
arcturus 19.079 19.08 19.073
arcturus 145.863 145.852 145.851
atria -69.058 -69.064 -69.061
atria 107.323 107.282 107.297
avior 59.572 -59.577 -59.574
avior 234.26 234.278 234.256
bellatrix 6.365 6.366 6.367
bellatrix 278.448 278.452 278.434
betelgeu. 7.408 7.409 7.409
betelgeu. 270.935 270.94 270.921
canopus -52.708 -52.707 -52.708
canopus 263.893 263.909 263.888
capella 46.017 46.015 46.018
capella 280.456 280.462 280.437
castor 31.842 31.844 31.841
castor 246.03 246.035 246.014
cor caroli 38.209 38.214 38.203
cor caroli 165.764 165.757 165.752
deneb 45.354 45.351 45.357
deneb 49.481 49.463 49.473
denebola 14.46 14.461 14.455
denebola 182.483 182.479 182.47
diphda -17.881 -17.874 -17.875
diphda 348.856 348.85 348.843
dubhe 61.639 61.646 61.634
dubhe 193.764 193.765 193.747
elnath 28.622 28.622 28.624
elnath 278.11 278.114 278.094
eltanin 51.487 51.488 51.486
eltanin 90.743 90.722 90.737
enif 9.967 9.968 9.971
enif 33.716 33.702 33.704
fomalhaut -29.52 -29.512 -29.515
fomalhaut 15.32 15.307 15.306
gacrux -57.218 -57.23 -57.224
gacrux 171.932 171.926 171.919
gienah -17.65 -17.655 -17.655
gienah 175.794 175.789 175.782
hadar -60.462 -60.474 -60.467
hadar 148.696 148.679 148.679
hamal 23.556 23.555 23.561
hamal 327.926 327.924 327.912
kaus aust. -34.373 -34.373 -34.373
kaus aust. 83.638 83.616 83.621
kochab 74.071 74.078 74.066
kochab 137.345 137.321 137.344
markab 15.313 15.313 15.318
markab 13.567 13.556 13.554
menkar 4.165 4.168 4.17
menkar 314.169 314.169 314.156
menkent -36.463 -36.471 -36.468
menkent 148.04 148.028 148.026
merak 56.272 56.278 56.267
merak 194.243 194.243 194.227
miaplacidus -69.795 -69.804 -69.799
miaplacidus 221.633 221.658 221.632
mirfak 49.932 49.928 49.936
mirfak 308.559 308.563 308.542
mizar 54.818 54.825 54.813
mizar 158.825 158.815 158.813
nunki -26.271 -26.269 -26.27
nunki 75.885 75.865 75.87
peacock -56.672 -56.666 -56.67
peacock 53.212 53.184 53.191
phact -34.066 -34.064 -34.065
phact 274.903 274.912 274.894
pollux 27.976 27.977 27.974
pollux 243.364 243.369 243.349
procyon 5.172 5.172 5.17
procyon 244.912 244.916 244.899
rasalhague 12.547 12.547 12.545
rasalhague 96.044 96.027 96.032
regulus 11.869 11.869 11.864
regulus 207.642 207.643 207.629
rigel -8.181 -8.179 -8.18
rigel 281.124 281.128 281.111
saiph -9.665 -9.663 -9.664
saiph 272.822 272.827 272.81
schedar 56.649 56.643 56.655
schedar 349.59 349.584 349.577
scheddi -16.038 -16.033 -16.034
scheddi 32.973 32.958 32.959
shaula -37.115 -37.117 -37.117
shaula 96.27 96.248 96.253
sirius -16.745 -16.745 -16.746
sirius 258.49 258.497 258.479
spica -11.263 -11.267 -11.268
spica 158.443 158.434 158.43
suhail -43.511 -43.517 -43.514
suhail 222.813 222.821 222.805
vega 38.803 38.804 38.803
vega 80.606 80.588 80.598
polaris 89.351 89.344 89.356
polaris 315.546 315.974 315.235
